
November 13, 2014

UPDATE: MSG from tha Menace

A Message from Tha Menace
Greetings loyal Comrades,

   If you've been following my blog regularly, you've probably noticed the irregularity in my posting habits. In particular, the recent drop off in fresh content.

   Despair no longer.
Starting this month (Nov) I will share 8 posts per monthThat's about 2 every week & I will do my level best to maintain this schedule thru-out 2015 (pinky promise).
   The Yellowmenace E-zine will launch in the new year. It's your monthly email update on the yellowest posts, as well as the best images from the YM Pinterest & Tumblr sites

   I've also been working on a new YM Thai Blog exclusively for Thai content, which I'm trying to finish by Dec. 

   This should give this Yellowmenace Blog a sharper focus primarily on Asian Art, Film & Anime.

   Remember, if you enjoy this blog & want to see it expand with more content, please donate $1, $5 or $10
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